Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's 8:05 and i'm late... again!

Today, we study the concept of color curves. We learn how to manipulate and correct the images in PS. I caught on real quick this time cuz I was focused (TOTALLY)...

Anywhooo, this is my project on color curves! I used a photo of my baby boy Krakle. He's only 6 months old but he's turning into a huge, heavy, feisty miny monster. He loves to commandeer the bed and just can't decide which part of the mattress he wants for himself. He's a little sweetie though - I luv my little buddy!

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Take on Hockney

It's 8:30 and we're to turn in all assignments due from last week. Once again I'm trying to figure how to set my stuff up on this blog. Our project is a tribute of sorts to the artistic stylings of David Hockney.

Here is my montage of pictures ala Hockney!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Daniel KASSER experience

8 am on February 1, 2010 found me in the Reynolds Gallery at UOP for a class field trip. We were there to view the works of Daniel Kasser, a Visual Arts Artist and Instructor at the university.

My simple mind tells me - Daniel Kasser is a frustrated landscape photographer.

His pieces at the exhibit showcased beautiful landscapes as mere backdrops to objects he then ps'd on to the photographs. The mostly pastoral pieces were all pleasing to study. It wasn't too far out to grasp and I think the addition of well matched objects as subjects to the photograph enhanced the picture.

My favorite pieces were his works that showed less obvious patching. They were his later projects (based on the tag number of the pieces) and they presented a surreal but also realistic vista. These pieces pulled me in for a closer examination. It forced me to look for the patch.

DK's work reminds me of an artist painter named Vladimir Kush. They share a similar style of surrealism. DK works in digital photography while VK uses paintings to play with the observers mind. Both are great artists - and just like Kasser, VK's works are more interesting in the later stages of his production.