Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Histograms, Layers and Curves

Today started out dark and dreary - it was muggy! eyuchk!
I had all sorts of hurdles before making it to class and so
I make it in by 8:15.

Today's topic was interesting. We played around with our histogram.
I learned how to clean my images by gauging the true spectrum of black and white, shadow and highlights, sharp and dull...

Here are my transformed images...


First change...


And then Kirstyn threw me for a loop with curves...

Kewl huh!


  1. I love the narrative and captions. An interesting blog to visit.

  2. I like this post. It is interesting to see the difference between the original photo and the last photo. It was good to be able to see the steps that you took to get from one to the next.
